Hi Everybody! Do Come In!
That's it. Sit down. Get comfortable. And get ready to have fun learning about all sorts of music!
If you're aged between about 7 to 12, then this site is for you! Take your time looking around. There's lots to see and lots to hear. This isn't your normal every day music site. It isn't about things like rhythm, melody, harmony, reading music etc. etc.
This site is about types of music, musicians and the joy of live music!
If you're new to this site, then take a look at the About this Website page. Then head for some of the Types of Music or Composers pages.
(Grown-ups may want to look at the For Grown-Ups and For Parents and Teachers pages as well.)
If you've been here before, then you might want to go straight to the News page. But don't forget the other pages are there to help you if there's something you don't understand.
Have fun! And do write comments. It'll be great to hear from you. But remember, please make sure you check with your parents or teacher before writing a comment!
Anyway, that's enough from me for a front page. Enter and enjoy yourself!!! 🙂
P.S. Do you like the piano? It's mine! (You can see another picture of it on the More About Me page.)
P.P.S. This site is very new. Please send me a comment if you see a speelling misstake, a link that doesn't work, a video that won't play, or anything that's notquite right! Pleeeeease!!!! Here's some sweets to say thank you for doing this: