Hello everybody! Just a short note today. I’ve been working very hard to make pages about different jazz artists. And they’re now finished!
There are 23 pages in total for you to check out. Each page has a picture of the jazz artist, some videos of his/her music (normally played by the jazz artist himself/herself), a list of their great recordings, a list of some interesting facts about the artist…. and more!!!
There are two ways to get to these pages. One is to click here for a page with a list of links to all the jazz artist pages.
The other way is to click on the link that says ‘Jazz Artists’ in the little box on the right (the box called ‘Classical Composers and Jazz Artists’). This will display a list of all 23 names. You then just click on the link of the jazz artist you want to know more about.
Perhaps you don’t know anything about jazz or which jazz artists to choose? Don’t worry! This website will get you started. Just go to the jazz and the great jazz artists pages. That should help! And if you can’t be bothered with all that, just choose any jazz artist page. They won’t bite you!!!
Do start exploring! Jazz is fun. And some of the videos on the jazz artists pages will really get you feet tapping!!
So why are you still reading this? Click on a link and off you go!!!!
Have fun! 🙂
Nice to see news appearing even though I know you’re on the other side of the world…