by Malcolm Pullan | Mar 28, 2011 | Bach, Classical Composers, Classical Music, Country, Live Music
Can you believe it? This is what a four-year old said to his mother after going to a concert of classical music! His name is Joe and he has two brothers. This is what they said about the same concert: “I really enjoyed the concert. It was amazing to see a big...
by Malcolm Pullan | Nov 11, 2010 | Classical Music, Live Music
The CBSO have done it again! Last Sunday they performed another children’s concert to a packed hall (see How Would You Like to Drive a World Class Racing Car? for an article about the previous one). And the music this time was out of this world! I know, I...
by Malcolm Pullan | May 19, 2010 | Britten, Classical Composers, Classical Music, Live Music
Well? Would you? I know I would. Unfortunately I never have. But on Sunday I saw a ten-year old do just that! She stepped up nervously into the driving seat. And after a grown-up started her off, there was no turning back—off she roared!!! It was amazing. A...
by Malcolm Pullan | Mar 2, 2010 | Classical Music, Live Music
On the More About Me page, I wrote about how my father took me to concerts of classical music when I was only six! Well now I am a father myself, I want to do the same for my two daughters. And how lucky I am for this to be living in a different country and a...
by Malcolm Pullan | Feb 22, 2010 | Classical Composers, Classical Music, Live Music, Opera, Popular Music, Prokofiev, Reich
Last week was half-term break in the UK, so there was no school. This meant I could have a short break with my daughters and go to some music shows and concerts. Over the last week I went to three different events! I don’t normally go to that many in a week....